Glen Innes Highlands Hub
HIGHLANDS HUB is a project to bring a shared business and community HUB to Glen Innes.
The Glen Innes Highlands Business & Community Hub (Physical) project will create a central place where community and council come together with a common purpose of creating a thriving local economy and a socially prosperous community.
This is a key initiative from the new Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 and Action Plan 2020-2025 for Glen Innes Highlands. An application for funding has been submitted to the BLER Fund on 28 January 2021 and BBRF.
Highlands Hub Co-working, Meeting and Training Facility
Last year Glen Innes Severn Council received a $616,861 grant from the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund jointly funded by the Commonwealth and the NSW Government under Disaster Funding Arrangements.
The “Old Holden Building” showroom has been transformed and activated to provide a place where people can hire, meet, learn or teach - from hot desks to meeting rooms and a cosy community coworking lounge - you can join us for an hour, a day, a week, a month or longer.
Glen Innes Severn Council Mayor, Rob Banham said “The Glen Innes Highlands Hub refurbishment works are complete, and the community and visitors will have access to the coworking facility. The Highlands Hub will encourage local innovation, entrepreneurship and remote working as the town continues to attract millennials to the area seeking a place to work and connect with the community.”
“Council continues to deliver the initiatives of the Placed-based Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 including the establishment of this coworking facility as requested by the community during consultation,” commented the Interim General Manager, Dennis McIntyre.
“The HUB will continually seek grant funding to subsidise training and development workshops with the first tranche being delivered by Ian Mason from Humble. Ian is an experienced company founder, having built multiple brands that affect change in communities across the world,” announced Margot Davis, (former) Manager Economic Development.
Find out more at, book a tour, book a space or join the community.

Highlands Hub Digital Platform 2.0
The Highlands Hub – Business was launched in April 2020 and now has 78 businesses registered on the platform.
Did you know that we lose $200,000,000 out of our local economy every year? If 20% of that was retained locally an additional $56 million would be circulating in our local economy each year.
That means more business growth, more profits and more jobs. We've funded a digital platform through the Bushfire Recovery Agency to provide our community with a game-changing tool to assist local business to connect and increase their revenue from within the community.
We've updated the new and improved Highlands Hub online platform that will now connect BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & CAREERS all in one place!
The Highlands HUB online platform developed alongside the physical space provides a one-stop-shop for community engagement and connection. Previously only developed for businesses-to-business, it now includes Community and Careers categories which enables the whole community to share events, upload news, find a project partner, find a job and much more. The ambition is that the whole community will register and utilise the free digital platform over time.
+ Share news, local stories, write articles and keep up to date with things to do
+ Search for your next career move on the local jobs board
+ Search the local business directory and establish local supply chains
+ Put your hand up to volunteer in a community group or event
+ Network and create professional development opportunities
+ Boost your SEO and promote your products and services locally
+ Promote your talents and connect with local business owners directly
+ Profile your business, post job ads and search local jobseekers
+ Search local community groups, community members and businesses
+ Find project partners or local suppliers for projects and tenders
Small Business Toolkit
In Glen Innes Highlands, we are committed and supported of new ideas, industries and opportunities that contribute towards our local and regional economy.
The Small Business Toolkit will assist and inform new and existing small businesses in the Glen Innes Severn Council Local Government Area on what resources and opportunities are available for the business community.
Check it out here.