Attracting and retaining populations should be a key concern for towns and cities across regional Australia. Sustaining and building resident populations helps towns and cities thrive and plan for their future.
‘Liveability’ means slightly different things to different people and the way that we assess liveability is subjective and highly personalised. People make different assessments based on their needs, their aspirations, and their stages of life. What makes a place liveable for one person might not exactly match what makes it liveable for another.
Regional Australia Institute found that while concepts of liveability vary from person to person, there are key indicators of liveability that are common to most people. These indicators are:
- Health services
- Education services
- Cost of living
- Amenity
- Connections to community, friends and place
- Lifestyle and opportunity
Source: RAI Liveability Discussion Paper
Cost of Living and Affordable Housing
Housing is a critical part of our local economy, directly supporting local jobs and businesses whilst enabling population growth and improved lifestyle options for residents and treechanges.
The following table representing Working Assumptions of Liveability Considerations across Four Demographic Group from the RAI Liveability Discussion Paper:
The Glen Innes Highlands Housing Assessment and Housing Strategy 2022-2041 has been completed and is now available to local business to read and consider its recommendations in order to encourage a healthy residential land development and construction sector.
View the Housing Assessment
View the Housing Strategy
Grow Glen Innes THINK TANK (GGITT) - Liveability Report
Council enabled a Liveability GGITT on 3 August 2022 facilitated by Regional Australia Institute. From the output of the session there is a very insightful report and action plan that will be leverage in the optimisation of the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan and other Operational Plan Deliverable for the FY 2022-2-23 including a Regional Learning System, Investment Attraction Strategy & Council Policy, Community Wealth Building and more.
This workshop provided an opportunity for the Glen Innes community to define their liveability priorities and develop actions to support them. The workshop highlighted the need for Glen Innes to focus its attraction strategies most prominently on attracting families to the region, as well as a range of skilled professionals. However, feedback during the plenary sessions also highlighted the need to ensure that Glen Innes’ current community have a liveable town as well and feel that they can stay and have a good life and career there.
As such the actions developed in the workshop focus both on attracting new people to the region, developing the liveability and opportunities for current residents, and integrating these two groups.
View the Local Liveability Report