Published on 14 January 2025

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Glen Innes Severn Council is progressing towards the implementation of a food organics and garden organics (FOGO) collection service, in line with the NSW Government’s targets to halve the amount of organic waste sent to landfill by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions from organics in landfill by 2030.

In April 2024, Council announced it was awarded $145,500 under the NSW Government’s Go FOGO grants program to support the introduction of the FOGO service.

As part of this initiative, Council will commence a comprehensive waste and recovery issues and opportunities study in 2025 with the rollout likely to occur in 2027. This study will play a key role in shaping the Council’s long-term Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy. The introduction of the FOGO service is one of the critical components of this strategy, alongside other key waste management measures.

Glen Innes Severn Council Mayor Margot Davis highlighted the importance of the study and the FOGO service as part of the region’s broader sustainability goals.

“Given the volume of green waste generated by the recent weekend storm, it highlights the urgent need for a more sustainable system to manage and reduce this waste moving forward,” she said.

Council is committed to ensuring that the final strategy is shaped by community input. There will be numerous opportunities for community consultation, and Council is dedicated to working collaboratively with residents and businesses to create a community-focused plan for waste and recovery services.

Further information about this initiative is available in the previously issued media release: Glen Innes Severn Council Receives $145K to Reduce Food Waste.

For more details about the NSW Government’s Go FOGO grants program, visit: NSW EPA Go FOGO Grants.

Media Contact:
Phone: (02) 6730 2314

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