Published on 28 January 2025

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There is now no apparent impediment to the New England region moving forward with a transformative project: the construction of the New England Rail Trail.

The Hon Aileen MacDonald OAM MLC asked a question on notice about the future use of the Great Northern Railway Line to the Minister representing the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads.

The clarification received from the Minister signals a clear opportunity for the region to move forward with a transformative alternative: the response was: "Transport for NSW is not currently undertaking a feasibility study into reopening the rail line from Armidale to the Queensland border and does not have any current plans, funding allocations, nor strategic priorities to restore train services on the Great Northern Railway Line north of Armidale.” *

Greg Wild, Chair of Friends of the New England Rail Trail (FofNERT), welcomed the statement and said: “It is now evident that rail services will not return to the line in the foreseeable future. This marks a clear opportunity for the region to repurpose the disused rail corridor into the New England Rail Trail. It paves the way for a world-class rail trail that would bring significant economic, tourism, recreational, and social benefits to the region.”

The New England Rail Trail will attract visitors from across Australia and beyond, generating tourism revenue for local businesses, creating jobs, and improving quality of life for residents. Rail trails have been proven to rejuvenate rural and regional areas by attracting cycling enthusiasts, walkers, families and adventurers eager to explore unique landscapes and heritage.

The project has gained overwhelming support from the local community, including:

  •  Almost 7,000 signatures on an online petition in under 7 weeks to support the project.
  • Hundreds of letters of support sent to Armidale Regional Council.
  • Financial and in-kind contribution pledges from 23 businesses and a number of community groups for maintenance of the project (including from BackTrack Youthworks).
  • A further $20,000 annual commitment from a renewable energy company towards trail maintenance.
  • The formation of Friends of New England Rail Trail with over 180 financial members to date.
  • 3,100 followers of the NERT Inc. Facebook page
  • Letters of support from Brendan Moylan MP - Member for Northern Tablelands; The Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP - Member for New England and support from both ARC and GISC Councils.  Support from Rail Trails Australia executive and members
  • Earlier significant corporate contributions to the business case documents from such highly regarded local businesses and entities as the Costa Group , Regional Australia Bank, Guyra and District Chamber of Commerce, Roberts and Morrow accountants, New England Mountain Bikers, Armidale Regional and Glen Innes Severn Councils and many many local individuals and families.

Mr. Wild said: “The rail trail will honour the legacy of the Great Northern Railway by transforming it into a vibrant community asset, while preserving the corridor for any potential future transport needs. This is a once-in-a-generation chance to bring lasting benefits to our region."

With numbers of financial members and volunteers growing, Friends of NERT stands ready to assist with advocacy, events, promotion, and volunteer efforts to support the delivery of the New England Rail Trail.



This media release was issued by Friends of New England Rail Trail Inc on 28 January 2025.

Media Contact: Greg Wild, Chair, Friends of New England Rail Trail Inc



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