Off-Leash Areas
Dogs are only allowed to be leash free in designated off-leash areas approved by Council.
Council currently has six (6) designated off-leash areas. These areas are:
- Lynch Oval (Lang Street, Glen Innes)
- Lions Park (Ferguson Street, Glen Innes)
- Centennial Parklands (north-eastern side of the road - Standing Stones, Glen Innes)
- Recreation Reserve (Park Street, Emmaville)
- Bicentennial Park (Picnic Ground - Glencoe Street, Glencoe)
- Recreation Reserve Corner (Corner Short and Fraser Street, Deepwater)
The following rules apply:
- All dogs are to be accompanied and supervised by a person over the age of 16
- All dogs must be able to be controlled without a leash
- Dogs that are declared dangerous or menacing dogs by Council are not allowed to use any designated off-leash areas
- Dog owners / controllers MUST remove all dog faeces that may be deposited by the dog under their control, Council has installed Dog Waste Bag dispensers in all off-leash areas
- Dogs MUST NOT be encouraged to attack. The dog owner is liable under NSW Legislation if the dog attacks any person or animal (other than vermin)
- Dogs should only be permitted off-leash between sunrise and sunset
Penalties apply for non-compliance and failure to comply with a verbal direction may result in Council's Ranger seizing and impounding your animal under NSW Legislation.
For further details regarding Off Leash Areas please contact Council's Administration Office at: (02) 6730 2300