Determined Development Applications


Pursuant to Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 124 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulations 2000, notification of development consents is made available via Council's Determined Development Applications page. Consent has been granted to the following developments as listed in monthly order.

June 2024(PDF, 8KB)

May 2024(PDF, 8KB)

April 2024(PDF, 8KB)

March 2024(PDF, 8KB)

February 2024(PDF, 7KB)

January 2024(PDF, 7KB)

December 2023(PDF, 7KB)

November 2023(PDF, 7KB)

October 2023(PDF, 8KB)

September 2023(PDF, 9KB)

August 2023(PDF, 10KB)

July 2023(PDF, 8KB)

June 2023(PDF, 9KB)

May 2023(PDF, 8KB)

April 2023(PDF, 8KB)

March 2023(PDF, 10KB)

February 2023(PDF, 8KB)

2022(PDF, 727KB)

2021(PDF, 289KB)

2020(PDF, 244KB)