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Glen Innes Severn Council welcomes comments and does not discriminate against any views related to the content that is posted. We encourage you to openly discuss and share your opinions in a respectful manner. 

To learn more, please read our Social Media Policy.

Glen Innes Severn Council currently maintains a presence on the following social media platforms:

  • Offical Glen Innes Severn Council Facebook and LinkedIn Pages
  • Official Glen Innes Severn Council YouTube Channel. 
  • Life Choices Support Services Facebook Page
  • The Youth Booth Facebook Page
  • Glen Innes Highlands Facebook and Instagram pages
  • Glen Innes Highlands Hub Facebook Page
  • Minerama Fossicking Gem & Jewellery Show Facebook and Instagram pages
  • Australian Celtic Festival Facebook and Instagram pages
  • Christmas in the Highlands Facebook and Instagram pages
  • Community Committees of Council Facebook pages. 

Social Media Page Rules

1. Respectful and Constructive Engagement

Treat others with respect. Abusive language, personal attacks, or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in content being removed and offenders being blocked from the page.

Bullying behaviour, including repeated negative comments, targeting individuals, or attempting to intimidate others will not be tolerated and will lead to content being removed and, if necessary, further action.

Keep comments relevant to the post topic. Constructive feedback, relevant questions, and appropriate suggestions are encouraged.

Please note, this page is not a platform for lodging complaints about the Council or Council officials. To provide feedback please Contact Council through our official channels. 

2. Privacy and Confidentiality

Do not post personal information, including your own or others’ phone numbers, addresses, or emails. For assistance on private matters, please contact us directly by phone: (02) 6730 2300 or email

Avoid sharing content that infringes on others’ privacy or intellectual property rights.

3. Prohibited Content

Do not post content that is obscene, offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate.

Avoid spreading false or misleading information, including rumours or unverified claims.

Content promoting commercial products, services, or events unrelated to Council services may be removed at Council’s discretion.

4. Moderation and Reporting

Council social media pages are monitored, and posts or comments breaching these House Rules may be removed.

Users who repeatedly breach these house rules may be restricted or banned from the page at the discretion of Glen Innes Severn Council. 

Any comments or opinions shared on these pages are not representative of the opinions the Glen Innes Severn Council, nor can Council accept responsibility for or ensure the accuracy of any content posted by members of public on this page.

Social media posts and comments must also adhere to that platforms’ own community guidelines, user agreements and policies.

If you notice inappropriate content, please report it to us or use Facebook’s reporting feature.

5. Stay on Topic

Keep discussions relevant to Glen Innes Severn Council’s services, projects, events and initiatives. Off-topic comments may be removed.

6. Hours of moderation

This page is generally monitored during Council’s business hours from 8.30am to 4.30pm, except on public holidays. Outside of these business hours, our staff do not moderate comments. In some instances, this means that comments on a post may not be visible until a staff member is available to moderate what has been posted.

While we do our best to respond to appropriate queries where possible on our social media pages, we recommend contacting Council directly via our official channels.

Kindly note: we do not monitor or answer any direct messages that come through the official Glen Innes Severn Council Facebook page. This page is primarily utilised for sharing important information and updates with the community. 


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